West Kentucky Photography Club Entry “Crowds”

Photo by Jim Pearson

"Crowds" Photo by Jim Pearson

When I set out to capture an image for the West Kentucky Photography Club’s Weekly Contest with the theme of “Crowds” I knew I wanted a low angle shot of a crowd of people that pretty much showed their legs only. I hit the mall and found several locations that gave me what I was looking for but the line at the movie theater did it best. The two people in the foreground, both in action of walking or starting to walk while the others in line stationary just worked for me. While you can see all of the folks in line instead of just their legs the two in the foreground satisfied my original concept for the photograph. Sometimes when you start out with a photo in mind, but you have to go with the flow of the image situation.

The original photo was shot in color as a RAW file with my Nikon D700. After opening the image in the Adobe RAW plugin in Photoshop I reduced the color saturation to none which removed the color from the image. Then I used the brightness, blacks, and clarity selections to fine tune the image to what I wanted. Photo was then opened in Photoshop were I used the sharpen edges before cropping the photo to size for the web. – Photo by Jim Pearson