March 18, 2012 – A year of portraits – The Egbert Family

03.18.12 Jason, Jodi and Chase Egbert

This is a family portrait of Jason and Jodie Egbert with their son Chase. He is the pastor of the Lostcreek United Church of Christ in Casstown, Ohio where my sister, April and I attended services today with my aunt, Jean Hirsch.

We’d been here before on other occasions, but after talking with my aunt over the weekend about family history I found out that this is the first church I attended as a child with my family. In fact, Chase is the same age I was when our family moved back to Kentucky when I was 2 years old.

Great service and warm welcomes by everyone there. If you live in the area and are looking for a church home then I’d highly recommend it! Oh, almost forgot, they’re standing facing the sanctuary of the church and the clock above their heads was made by my uncle Lowell.

Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 @24mm
Exposure: Matrix Metering, 1/200, f/3.5 with an ISO of 4,000
File Type: Nikon RAW

Post Processing
This image as shot as an 5 image HDR because I wanted to bring out the detail of the stain glass over the main door and the entry to the church and all the tonal detail that went with it. The tonemaping was done using Photomatix Pro. Final touches were In Photoshop CS5 using auto levels and some burning down on the edges of the photo.

Filters Applied
Topaz Adjust, Photo Pop

March 17, 2012 – A year of portraits – Jean Hirsch

03.17.12 Jean Hirsch

Today’s portrait is of my Aunt Jean. I spent the weekend visiting her in Piqua, Ohio where we worked on identifying a lot of people in old photos from my dad’s side of the family, of which she is the last surviving sibling of 15 brothers and sisters. We also spent several hours of videoing her talking about what it was like to grow up on a farm with so many brothers and sisters for a program I’m putting together for an upcoming family reunion.

Camera: iPhone 4S Camera
Lens: no data
Exposure: no data
File Type: jpg

Post Processing
All post processing was done with Photoshop CS5 where it was cropped slightly and burned down around the edges slightly to tone down what I felt was a distracting background.

Filters Applied
Topaz Adjust’s Photo Pop