A new year long photography challenge

Well, I’ve decided to participate in another year-long photography challenge. I actually signed up for two, but our local photography club has decided to do one again this year and as the club’s president I have decided to participate in it alone.

I always like doing year-long challenges as it helps keep the creative juices flowing and makes me get outside my box when it comes to my photography. Working for a newspaper kinda keeps me in a different type of photography mode with more documentary and photojournalism type of images. While doing these challenges I can use the same kind of style of photography, but I can also be a little more creative and liberal when it comes to the type of photograph I produce vs something for the newspaper.

The Challenge will be broken down into 12 monthly challenges with a different theme for each month. The first month’s theme is “The Hat.” The object is to photograph the same hat everyday for the month of January. Rachel, the daughter of a friend from work, Tonya Rickard is graciously allowing me to photograph her each day of the month wearing the hat you see here. I’m excited to see where we go and what portraits or pictures we can capture as the month goes on.

Photography by Jim Pearson

Rachel and “The Hat”  – Photography by Jim Pearson