May 11, 2020 - With five engines on the head-end it looks like it would be leading a massive train, but it was only around 4000 ft with, only about 2800 tons so the, 4 units behind CSXT 3059 were isolated for fuel conservation. Still, it made for a great photograph as it passed through the S curve at Nortonville, Ky on its way south along the Henderson Subdivision on this beautiful Spring day.

Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Irex 11mm, f/11 @ 1/1600 sec, ISO 280.

CSX Q025 SB with 5 units at Nortonville, Kentucky

May 11, 2020 – With five engines on the head-end it looks like it would be leading a massive train, but it was only around 4000 ft with, only about 2800 tons so the, 4 units behind CSXT 3059 were isolated for fuel conservation. Still, it made for a great photograph as it passed through the S curve at Nortonville, Ky on its way south along the Henderson Subdivision on this beautiful Spring day.

Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Irex 11mm, f/11 @ 1/1600 sec, ISO 280.