August 19, 2015 – L&N Depot on CSX’s Henderson Subdivision

August 19, 2015 - This is a shot of the old L&N Depot on CSX's Henderson Subdivision in Henderson, Ky. Currently it's unused and the city of Henderson is planning to raze the depot, and is budgeting $80,100 to do it this year unless someone steps in to save it. As much as he would love to see the old building restored, Assistant City Manager William “Buzzy” Newman thinks it is too dangerous to leave alone. It's looking more and more like it'll fall. – Tech Info: 1/800sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, Lens: Rokinon 14mm on a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.

August 19, 2015 – This is a shot of the old L&N Depot on CSX’s Henderson Subdivision in Henderson, Ky. Currently it’s unused and the city of Henderson is planning to raze the depot, and is budgeting $80,100 to do it this year unless someone steps in to save it. As much as he would love to see the old building restored, Assistant City Manager William “Buzzy” Newman thinks it is too dangerous to leave alone. It’s looking more and more like it’ll fall. – Tech Info: 1/800sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, Lens: Rokinon 14mm on a Nikon D800 shot and processed in RAW.