CSXT 3194 Law Enforcement Unit leads CSX Q025 SB at Hanson, KY

I don't normally railfan on Sunday mornings as I run the live broadcast of our church services, but when I got word that the CSX Law Enforcement locomotive was leading CSX Q025 I was hoping (praying) things would work out where I could get a shot of it coming through the north end of Hanson, KY on the Henderson Subdivision on July 18th, 2021. 

My church is about 5 miles from this spot, and I stopped by there early at 10am and set everything up for the live broadcast (5 iPhone Cameras) as I had reports that the train had passed through Henderson, KY at 9:50am and I got to Hanson at 10:30. Eight minutes later the train crested the hill in time for me to capture this infrared view of Q025 passing through the tunnel of trees with my converted Fuji XT-1 and able to make it back to church with 10 minutes to spare, before services began! Answered prayers!

Tech Info: Fuji XT-1, RAW, Converted to 720nm B&W IR, Nikon 70-300 @ 300mm, f/8, 1/500, ISO 400.

CSXT 3194 Law Enforcement Unit leads CSX Q025 SB at Hanson, KY

I don’t normally railfan on Sunday mornings as I run the live broadcast of our church services, but when I got word that the CSX Law Enforcement locomotive was leading CSX Q025 I was hoping (praying) things would work out where I could get a shot of it coming through the north end of Hanson, KY on the Henderson Subdivision on July 18th, 2021.

My church is about 5 miles from this spot, and I stopped by there early at 10am and set everything up for the live broadcast (5 iPhone Cameras) as I had reports that the train had passed through Henderson, KY at 9:50am and I got to Hanson at 10:30. Eight minutes later the train crested the hill in time for me to capture this infrared view of Q025 passing through the tunnel of trees with my converted Fuji XT-1 and able to make it back to church with 10 minutes to spare, before services began! Answered prayers!

Tech Info: Fuji XT-1, RAW, Converted to 720nm B&W IR, Nikon 70-300 @ 300mm, f/8, 1/500, ISO 400.