01.13.14 iPhone Challenge-Damion and Davie-Web

January 13, 2014 iPhone Challenge – The visit

01.13.14 iPhone Challenge-Damion and Davie-Web

Today I caught my nephew Damion just visiting with his uncle Davie. Not sure just who enjoyed the visit more, me, Damion or Davie. I decided that I wanted to do this photo in black and white so the color didn’t distract from Damion squatting down on the floor. We all live in a color world, but sometimes a photograph works much better in black and white.

There’s many black and white apps available for the iPhone that actually shoot your photo in black and white and while I have several of them I shot this photo originally in color with the phones native camera. After looking at the color version I decided to process it as black and white.

Most of the post processing was done in Snapseed, but I did bring it into Photoshop and do a little tweaking in the highlights and shadows.