January 29, 2012 – A year of portraits – Don McLaughlin

01.29.12 Don McLaughlin

Today’s environmental portrait is of pastor Don McLaughlin during communion today at First Christian Church in Madisonville, Ky. Don is a loving and caring pastor that makes all who come through the doors of our church feel welcome. He is an outstanding role model and we’re honored that he is the leader of our congregation.

The processing for this photo was done in Photoshop CS5 where the photo was cropped, levels adjusted, white balance tweaked for the stain glass windows and a little dodging and burning was done. I then sent the photo to my iPhone and used the Photoshop Express app to add the border before uploading the resulting image here.

Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 @ 200mm
Exposure: Center weighted metering, 1/200, f/4.5 with an ISO of 4,000
File Type: Nikon RAW