January 5, 2012 – A year of portraits – Tabatha

01.05.12 Tabatha

Well, after a hectic day of shooting and my primary 16gig Compact Flash Card dieing on me after my last photo shoot I kinda scrambled around for my portrait last night as the one I had planned on was of the boys basketball coach at Madisonville-North Hopkins. But alas, it was on the card, so that picture will come down the road.

I had another picture that I shot of Mike Stunson, one of our sports reporters, that I had planned to use since the other one wasn’t to be, and no this isn’t a picture of him… sorry Mike, but Tabatha won the contest last night. I figured I could easily get a good portrait of Mike, but as we all know cats aren’t always so cooperative.

I captured this with a new iPhone app that I’ve been playing around with and starting to love. It’s called NightCap and the nice thing about the camera is that it will take photos with shutter speeds down to 1sec on the iPhone (shoots in color). A really great feature for those of us that really don’t like the look that flash photography gives us, especially with a smart or dumb phone. It’s available in the iTunes store for 99cents if I remember correctly.

Post processing work was done with SnapSeed, where I converted it to black and white and did some sharping with the details filter before bringing the photo into ShakeitPhoto to apply the final Polaroid look.