January 4, 2012 – Shopping with friends

Today Rachel and friends were heading out to go shopping and I thought it was a perfect opportunity for a picture involving “The Hat.” The fine folks at a local our local “Classy Closet” on North Seminary Street I was able to capture the three of them in front of a mirror, which always provides for fun of girls of all ages. Later today I’ll be shooting the Day 5 photo which involves her and a friend getting ready to head off to a dance.

The shopping trip!

January 4, 2012

Technical Info: Nikon D700 with a Nikkor 18mm f/2.8 lens. Exposure was: 1/160th at f/2.8 at ISO 4,000 on Aperture priority using spot metering. I shoot RAW on all my photos as it insures the most possible information is kept in my image. Processing was done with Photoshop CS6.