03.22.14 iPhone Challenge-Old Truck

March 22, 2014 – iPhone Challenge – Chevy

03.22.14 iPhone Challenge-Old Truck

What can I say, I love old machines! I spotted this old Chevy dump truck sitting next to a building here in Madisonville, Ky and couldn’t resist adding it to my ongoing series on called “Machines.” Some day perhaps they’ll be a book.

I’ve never really been a car or truck person per say, in fact most times I can’t tell you what year the things I photograph were made, but I do know when something makes for an interesting picture, at least to me. Besides, I know enough people in my life that are interested in these things that can provide me with details on the model if I need them.

If you’ve ever thought about starting a ongoing series like this, don’t be afraid to pick something that you’re not really familiar with as it’s a great way to learn about something, if that’s what you want to do. Also, look to things that are common in your everyday life that you will have access to, such as young children. As they continue to grow you can do all kinds of different series on them such as take a picture of them with the same background every week for a year and you’ll be surprised how much of a difference there will be from the first picture and the last.

Photo was shot with my iPhone 5s using the Hipstamatic App with the John S lens and Ina’s 1969 film. Some sharping was done using Topaz Adjust in Photoshop.