February 8, 2020 - BNSF 6353 & CN 2126 lead a northbound empty coal train, 7,400ft (135 car), with BNSF 5997 as the trailing DPU. Here it makes it's way north through the valley approaching Caneyville, Kentucky where it will meet up with a fresh crew to take the train on to Louisville.

Photography/Art Challenge – Day 6 of 10

My Railroad Photography as Art

My niece Kelly R Gates has nominated me to share my artwork for 10 days and to nominate another artist to do the same. My take on this challenge is to create what I consider photographic Art pieces from some of my railroad photography.

Now, I realize there are now AI programs out there these days that can create just about any type of art pieces for you with just words, but as most of you know I’m a visual person and all the pieces I post over the next 10 days will be created in Photoshop by me from photographs I have shot, not with AI Software.

I know that this type of art isn’t for everyone, but I do like to get outside the box and my comfort zone from time to time, as I think it’s good for my creative eye. I’d appreciate your constructive thoughts and comments!

For today’s digital photographic art piece, I’ve selected this shot from September 4, 2019 – A BNSF local works on picking up cars at BNSF’s Rices Point Yard in Duluth, Minnesota.

On Day 6 I nominate fellow railfan photographer Travis Dewitz to share his art (whatever type he wants to share) ~ I know he has plenty as he hopefully joins in on the 10-day art challenge!!!!

Tech Info: Nikon D800, RAW, Sigma 150-600 @550mm, f/7.1, 1/500, ISO 640, Available for purchase in my store at https://pixels.com/featured/digital-art-bnsf-6353-leads-coal-train-jim-pearson.html