January 16, 2012 – A year of portraits – Trey Miller

01.16.12 Trey Miller

Today’s portrait screamed at me from across the gym tonight at the Dawson Spring High School’s girls basketball game. Meet Trey Miller a senior at the school who plays for the boys basketball team and was at the school tonight to support the girls team.

When I spotted the hat I knew I had to capture a picture of who ever was underneath it.

The picture here is full frame from the camera with no cropping afterwards.

I processed the portrait using Photoshop CS5 and darkened down the area surrounding him to focus the photo more on his hat and green eyes. The final look was achieved using the Topaz Adjust Clarity filter.

Technical Details:
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon 50mm f/1.4
Exposure: Matrix Metering, 1/500th sec, f/2.8 with an ISO of 4,000